Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Genre: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

Such as:
  1. SCI-FI
  2. Comedy
  3. Action
  4. Romance
  5. Horror
Conventions: A way in which something is usually done, especialy within a particular area or activity.

  • Visual
  • Aural
  • Plot/Story
  • Charecters

         The Main Conventions of the Genre Comedy are:
  • an emphasis on humour
  • Designed to make you laugh
  • Light hearted
  • they tend to humourousley exaggerate situations
  • Tend to have a happy ending
         The Main Conventions of the Genre Action are:
  • Usually one or more heros are faced with a problem
  • Usually has car chases
  • has fight scenes