Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Genre: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

Such as:
  1. SCI-FI
  2. Comedy
  3. Action
  4. Romance
  5. Horror
Conventions: A way in which something is usually done, especialy within a particular area or activity.

  • Visual
  • Aural
  • Plot/Story
  • Charecters

         The Main Conventions of the Genre Comedy are:
  • an emphasis on humour
  • Designed to make you laugh
  • Light hearted
  • they tend to humourousley exaggerate situations
  • Tend to have a happy ending
         The Main Conventions of the Genre Action are:
  • Usually one or more heros are faced with a problem
  • Usually has car chases
  • has fight scenes

Monday, June 6, 2011

Contrasting: Opening & Closing Scenes

One entire wall (all seven feet of it) is a TV screen.  On
it we get a wider view of the world, and it's nothing to
write home about.  There is a breaking story about a fire
in a Boston subway which asphyxiated over a hundred
people.  Not unusual these days.  This is followed by a
feature about the death, in Kenya, of the last lion living
outside captivity.  This leads to a recap of the state of
the environment overall, and it's grim.

It will be a virus lethal to humans.  An airborne
hemorrhagic fever.  A flesheating virus from Hell.  If it
gets back to Earth as a result of future expeditions here,
the whole human race will die screaming.  Pandora is off-
limits for all time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Save The Cat- 15 stages

1. Opening Image:(1) 
Not necessarily the very first shot of the movie, but early on we need to show the mood, tone, period, and genre of the movie. What is it going to be about?

2. Theme Stated:(5)
A scene where the main character is told what the movie is about.

3. Set-Up:(1-10)
Who is involved, what is happening? Weaknesses and needs of the main Character. See the hero @ home, work, or play.

4. Catalyst:(12)
An event that forces the hero to take action; Draws them into a deeper plot. The call to adventure.

5. Debate:(12-15)
Will the hero accept the call to adventure

6. Break into Two:(25)
The hero must choose to involve himself/herself.

7. B Story :(30)
A "helper" character who will teach the hero about the thematic premise. A mentor, love-intrest, buddy.

8. Fun and Games:(30-55)
Action, excitement, chases- not so serious or threatening. the hero will try the wrong way to defeat the bad guys.

9. Midpoint:(55)
False victory, or false defeat, point of no return, stakes are raised.

10. Bad Guys Close In:(55-75)
The noose will tighten around the hero. Bad guys regroup. Hero is in real danger.

11. All Is Lost:(75)
The old way of thinking dies. Opposite of the Midpoint.

12. Dark Night of the Soul:(75-85)
The lowest point for the hero. Ready to give up- doubts themselves. But...

13. Break into Three:(85)
Thanks to the knowledge recieved about the theme, the hero realises what they need to do and set off to do it.

14. Finale:(85-110)
Good guy defeats bad guy (after an EPIC struggle) using new knowledge and skills gained over the course of the story.

15. Final Image:(110)
'Opposite' to the opening image (refrence the OI) Shows the growth and

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Glossary of terms

Act- a segment of a movie. 
Climax- a moment of high drama, the most engaging part of the movie.
Denouement- the final scenes of a movie where the characters status is shown.
Revelation- where a solution is formed.
Deus ex Machina- where a problem that seems impossible is solved, by a new character, or object.
Inciting incident- sets the plot of the film in motion.
Catalyst- A person or an event that kick starts the movie.
Plot- The order of events in a movie.
Protagonist- The main actor/s who play the main roles in a movie.
Antagonist- is the rival in a movie i.e. the villain.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shot examples

Shot: Establishing shot
- a long distance shot to establish the spacial configuration of a scene and to show the relationship between figures.

Shot: Long shot

Shot: Mid shot

Shot: Close up shot

Shot: Extreme close up shot

Shot: High angle shot

Shot: Low angle shot

Shot: Canted angle shot


Shot: High-key lighting

Shot: Low-key lighting

Shot: Mysterious lighting shot

Shot: Interesting lighting shot

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tools for film production

Pre-production: In preporation for shooting, Scenes prepared, Scripts made and Locations selected.
Brainstorming, Ideas and Scripts. Items used: Microsoft Word.

Production: The scenes are filmed, there is no editting in this phase. Cameras and Actors. Items used: Greenscreen,Cameras and Actors, lights and microphones.

Post-production: Scenes are edditted and so is sound, after effects are added and music. Items used: Computers and Editing Software,film clips, music.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ideas for Assignment

1.Voice over
2.Personality Chosen, Charlie Chaplin
3.Everything in Black and White
4.Have the film clip "The Lions Cage"
5. Present history of Technicolor in slide shows and voiceovers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Post 1940

Because television was coming in theartres were losing views. in order to get back viewers cinema converted to wide screen. this episode in the history of film brang about the wide screen that we are accustomed today. When wide screen first came out, the critics raved about it,

steadicam was first introduced to film making in 1976 by Cinema Products. This development came about to help give a camera steadiness and more manouverability. this was a very positve change to cinema and has lasted so far.

3D films first came out in the 1950's but didn't become popular till early 2000 but it is debated about who was the first to use it. 3d tv makes the illusion of a third dimension on a flat screen. When watching 3D images it amplifies minor problems with your eyes.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Timeline of Major technological Innovations in Film

1906- First Feature Film: The first feature film was the The Story of the Kelly Gang, it was really boring and was like a filmed play. It only had the one camera angle

1927- Silence to Sound: When sound first came out, the cameras where not very manuvourable, making the overall picture not as good as it could be.

1930's- Black and White to Colour: When we saw the first movie that was in colour, itwas more captivating than just plain black and white. The transition from Black and white to coulour has realy changed the movie world.